New support group forming in Naperville/Plainfield/Woodridge
Hey all!
I know we posted a few days ago about being interested in starting a new support group in this area. I live in Naperville, and work part time for the Bolingbrook Park District...we can meet in a room there for no charge, as long as we work around their schedule.
So, can whoever is interested just post below, so I can get a count and start making some arrangements?
Thanks all!!!
299/192/goal 149...
Hi Tracy,
I would love to go to the support group in Naperville. Will it be during the day or at night. I work nights but I don't go back to work til the 28 of june. I was hoping to see you at the may meeting at the wish center . THings are going good for me. I've lost 34 lbs but 0 in the last week. I'm soooo tired of the pureed stage and am ready for soft foods but i'm sure I will be fine. Take Care
Hi Lori!
Yea, the pureed is a yucky stage, but it doesn't last forever!
May has been such a busy month, support group was like the last thing on my mind! It was also the same night as my daughter's kindergarten round up meeting, so I couldn't miss it!
Maybe June...
Or maybe our own!
What time do you go to work?
Have you tried pureed egg salad???
It was my favorite when I was at the pureed stage.
Talk to you soon!