Big Day #2
Well, it was almost 2 years ago today that I was preparing myself for gastric bypass surgery (seems like yesterday). That was a very big day in my life and it changed me in ways I've never imagined. I am now preparing for big day #2. I am scheduled to get my tummy tuck tomorrow morning at 7:30am. I have NEVER had a flat tummy regardless of what I weighed. This is so exciting! I'm just hoping I don't die so I can enjoy the new me and be there to raise my kids to adulthood. Wish me luck........
Girl, youre a star in my eyes, with a flat tummy or without. You've been my inspiration throughout this whole process and I wanted to remind you of that. My flat tummy and new boobs will be following yours shortly....I'll let you be the guinea pig
LOL Best wishes for a breezy're a champ, and youre with the best as you'll be getting your bb pierced in no time
Love you girl!