Support Groups?
Tina, and others here is the scoop on the support meeting that meets at the Itasca library. For now I only have the next two dates. The room is reserved on a yearly basis and the year is coming to a close in August and Sandy the girl that handles the room can only schedule it one week before the year is up. So, the dates are June 8th and July 13th, the second Wednesday's of the month. This group is a spin off, informal get together of mostly patients from the Kane group. It is a great group of ladies and a couple of men that are at various stages of PO life. We just sit around and discuss what is going on with our lives PO and we try to help one another with any problems that we may have and most importantly we try to encourage each other. Any other questions you can just email me or see what kind of a get together that Patti H can come up with. You all could try meeting at a restaurant for coffee or tea to get to know one another first.
Thank you SO MUCH! I would love to hook up with you guys. I got my date today. June 8th! I work for the school district, so it's two days after we get out for the summer. That gives me almost three months off before we go back. So needless to say I won't be at the meeting on the 8th, but count me in for the July one. How about you Patti?