Inlaws!!! (venting)
On the 18th of last month my father in law had a heart attack. My husband insisted that he come stay with us after he got out of the hospital. Well.... I have gone out of my way to be nice to this jerk, I have cooked for him and done his laundry and put up with him telling me everything that I am doing wrong, including how I punish my children. He does not think that I punish them enough so he butts in and tells me exactly how I sould do it. This jerk had the nerve to tell my husband what a ***** I am and that he remembers why he didn't stay with us the last time he had surgery. After talking to my hubby, he told me it was ok to kick him out. So, I did!!! If he wants to call me a ***** then I will be one!!!!
Thank you for letting me vent.