I'm not saying bye but i am leaving the board for awile
I am not saying bye to anyone i just feel because my health is so pour right now i need to focus on getting myself better. I have dropped 18 pounds in a week and i am very weak i have had to take time off from work. I also found out that i dont have 100% kidney function something to do with protein. With no insurance i am going to owe medical bills for the rest of my life so once again please continue to pray for me. I thank those for the support that they have given me here on the IL board you know who you are.. I wont be posting probley for awile. If you want to know how i am doing or care to know you can email me at [email protected]
or on yahoo messanger when i have time to get online
Again thanks for all the love and support
Hi Marsha
Well.... I hope you see this post
Sorry to hear you are feeling not so great
I hope things get better for you really soon!
Maybe you can get some help with your medical problems from a state agency?
I don't know too much about them but maybe someone that does can post???
Sending good thoughts and ((((((((((((BIG HUGZ)))))))))))) out to you!