Hi, Belvidere Barix clinic group.....I am SOO bummed:-l
that I wasn't able to attend the support meeting last nite.....I had no sitter for the girls, I had planned to go, and the sitter I had set up to help, had to go to the ER for a blood clot in her leg!! Any way, my ? is....Is there another group meeting at the ST.Anthony building on E.state b4 the 26th? Let me know if there is I will do my BEST to be there.....
????? I really cant wait to meet all of you!!!!!!
Dawn, the meeting on the 25th is at OSF Center for Health at 5666 E. State St., right next to Tumbleweed. The meeting starts at 6:30 on the last Monday of every month except May, due to the Memorial Day holiday.
The Barix support group meeting is at Barix Clinic, 1625 S. State St. in Belvidere, right off of Rte. 20. The meeting starts at 7:00 on the second Monday of every month.
There is a meeting at Rockford Memorial, but if you haven't had your surgery there, the rumor is that it costs $500 to attend their support group. I'm not sure how true that is, but 2 meetings a month is enough for me.