Good Morning!
Good Morning Illinois!! Hope everyone has a great day! Its rainy and crappy here but I've still got some running to get done. ughh.
I was supposed to go up to Urbana today for my pre-op class and my ABG, but they called me like as I was getting ready to walk out the door and had to reschedule. Sooo, I get to go in next Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping that they can get all my pre-op stuff done on tues(I have to ask about that on Monday after I get done with the other dr), otherwise, I'll be up there a good part of next week. I dont mind, but its like a little over a 3 hour drive 1 way for me. And I have a full size van, and each trip up there for gas alone, is 100.00.
Anyhoo, I'm done venting and whining, just had to get that out.
Hey Lora!
I'm sorry they had to reschedule you! I can't even get them to turn in my request for approval on my secondary insurance. I guess it's not everyone, just the nurse. They did lose some of my papers too - come to find out, they were on Dr. Oliphant's desk. How often did you call and check to see if you were approved or did you just wait on them? I want to call a couple of times a week but I don't want them to get mad at me. My work is really wanting the dates for my testing and when I am going to be out.
Now it was my turn to whine I guess. I hope you have a great day, even though it's raining. The rain is supposed to start here this afternoon.
I think I called and talked to Ann about once a week. But I think there was 1 week(the week I found out I was approved) that I called pretty much every stinkin' day for something or other. birth control questions,approval,etc.
I can understand about your work needing to know. Hopefully you'll find out something really soon!! Good Luck!!