Traveling to Schaumburg
In Schaumburg I'm fond of Big Bowl, Shaw's and Benihana.. all chains, but all delish!!
Shaw's and Big Bowl are at Streets of Woodfield (right off 53/290) and Benihana is west from 53/290 on Higgins Rd just past Meacham.. (I think it's across from a Dominick's or a Jewel shopping center)
(congrats on the fantastic loss!!)
There are 3 fantastic steak houses in that area. Morton's(stuffy) Meacham north of Golf Rd (Rt 58), Chicago Prime (little more casual but still dressy casual) on Meacham north of Higgins (Rt 72) and Woodfire (my favorite and the most casual of them all) on Higgins just west of Meacham. They are all within 2 miles of each other and about 1/2 mile west of Woodfield. You have Champs, on Golf west of Meacham, Prairie Rock (microbrewry) on Meacham just south of Mortons and again north of Golf (Rt 58), these are great for sandwiches and a nice casual full dinner. There is also Ram, which is a microbrewry, just north of Golf and a little NE of the Hyatt Hotel, sorry do not know what the name of the road that goes past it. It is just west of Rt 53, the expressway. There are the usual chains, TGIF, Olive Garden, Chevy's, Panera Bread, Red Lobster, John's Garage (in Mall), Rainforest Cafe, Mickey D's, Portillo's, Chili's, Old Country Buffet, Bennigan's, Fuddruckers, Houlahan's, Hooter's. Try these two web sites, this is for the shopping center and this one this has links to what is in the area including restaurants. If I think of more I will post them.