I'm WEAK, I tell you!
Wow...my self imposed banishment lasted less than 24 hours. I cant leave this board, not with all the love you have shown me. I will just stay away from the pissy main board I can SO feel the love here. Thanks to everyone who posted or emailed me. I'm so weak!! LOL I cant tell ya'll NO!!!!
I love every one of you!!!
ps i'm such a dork!
I wouldn't call it weak, it just the need to give support and get support. I am more of a lurker, I do answer now and then. I was flamed on the main board, over my answer, on how much the surgery and hospital bill were, like I was making it up. I just ignored it, I was not going to reply and end up in a bash session. I just laugh at how people go back and forth bashing over an opinion or their veiw point on something, maybe that why I just sit back and read most of the time.
Take Care, and no your not a Dork.