Top 10 Inner-Personal Benefits of WLS
Freedom from shame, guilt, ridicule, embarrassment, and worry.
Freedom to move without pain and struggle.
Freedom from the control of food.
Freedom to dream without limitation.
Peace of mind knowing our health is the best it can be.
Peace of mind that are families will not have to go on without us.
To have unlimited options from ehcih to choose from clothing to cars
to how we use our bodies and live our lives. Unlimited career
options, relationship options, and all around life options.
Fitting in any chair, car, booth, seatbelt, store, bathroom stall,
amusement park ride, clothing and most of all just plain "fitting in"
to society.
Suddenly life becomes half full instsead of half empty. We feel more
positive about ourselves, our future, and our life. We react to the
world in a more positive light because we are no longer prisoners of
our bodies. As we release the demon of food that has controlled us
for so long, we accept and forgive ourselves for our own weakness;
releasing us to become more tolerant and forgiving of others.
The dignit that comes with being able to: take care of ourselves,
reach for personal hygiene, easily get out of a chair, couch, or car.
Walk a resonable distance, not drip with sweat when everyone else
isn't, tie our shoes, or pick up what we drop. To be able to climb
As we regain our confidence in everyday activities, our confidence
grows in our ability to do and try things we've never done before.
With each accomplishment, we can see further and believe in ourselves
a little more. Life becomes an adventure!
With increased self-confidence we often see increased
self-esteem....Our vision of our own self worth. THe more we feel
able to contrinute, the more we come to believe in ourselves and the
value of our place in the world. We we value ourselves, we experience
self-respect, increased self-worth and worthiness. All of which leads
to healthier relationships with ourselves and others.
The journey of WLS, all that leads us to it and all that follows, is a
test of our courage. When we are courageous, we challenge ourselves
to our limits. We get to find out just what kind of "stuff" we're
really made of. We may find joy in discovery that we are stronger
than we imagined. And we find acceptance in the realization that we
have weaknesses we never wanted to face. All of this is OK! All of
this opens us up to self-acceptance and honesty about who we really
are. And when we know who we truly are within, we no longer need to
live in fear of being "found out" or fear of losing control to
anything or anyone outside ourselves. We find the courage to live by
our own convictions. And....we can honestly say to ourselves and the
world. "Who you see, is who I am", and THAT is living in INTEGRITY!
And end on a lighter note, my favorite "superficial"
benefit of WLS is....
From hat to shoes and coat to undies, NOTHING will fit anymore. So
that means I get to design a whole new me on the outside to reflect
the whole new me on the inside!
Enjoy your benefits everyone.....YOU'VE EARNED THEM!!!!