It Figures
Where have you been??
I've been kinda (always) busy....
I went and checked out the place where I'm having my PS next month.
It seemed pretty nice and clean ( I know I'm not supposed to do that).
I'm getting really nervous about this PS stuff though...Like in my head I think I'm afraid of what I'm gonna look like...It's kinda freaky being smaller....after being 319-330lbs for all those years....
I gained 10lbs in like 4 days...and I know why...
I have been so compliant for so long and then 2 days before Valentine's day....I started eating cookies... they had tons of luscious home baked cookies and other goodies at bingo.
I ate cookies for 3 days straight!
I am not even going to say how many I ate AND then snagged some to bring home... this is so not like me... I don't know what happened
blah blah blah