where's the love???
I posted this earlier today on this board AND on the main board with the heading "prayers and positive thoughts needed!!"
Hi everyone!
My friend Nikki got denied by her insurance company to have the surgery paid for. She is appealing with the help of Walter but its taking a long time. She needs some support, prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes to help her through this tough, nerve wracking, waiting game. If you have a few minutes could you please post a lil something to her page and give her some encouragement?
Thanks in advance to everyone that posts!
Between the two boards it was looked at 86 times and only ONE person posted to her page???
Cmon folks isnt this suppose to be a place where we encourage and support each other?
I'm trying to get the power of prayer and positive thoughts going for her to be approved for this wonderful life changing experience. Please take a moment out of your busy day to send her some encouragement and support!!