I'm sick:(
Hi Neighbor,
The Bug must have flown over from my house to you. The grandkids & their parents moved in with us in December while they build a house and they have been sick with one thing or another since then. They are currently coughing disgusting things all over my house. I'm the only one who hasn't caught it yet. But I went for my endoscopy today and my throat feels like I swallowed razor blades, so I can sure sympathize with ya.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
So THIS is why you weren't at the support group in Glenview last night. Boy, am I glad I checked out the board before I sent off the e-mail I planned, giving you much grief for missing the meeting!
Seriously, take care of yourself. This has been a LOUSY winter for colds and flu. My wife and I both had colds that lasted for over a month around the holidays. No fun.
Hope to finally get to meet you some time in the not-too-distant future!