anyone had sleep study at u of c??
I've had two sleep studies but not there. They don't want you to take anything to help you sleep because they want to be able to get real results.
It's really not bad. They hook you up with wires. They put sticky things on your skin and the wires hook on to that. Doesn't hurt. They put them on your face, head, chest and legs. They put a strap around your stomach. They put an oxygen sensor on your finger. All these tiny wires come together and get connected to a machine on the nightstand or wall.
The hardest part is falling asleep all hooked up like this. The first sleep study I did, I didn't fall asleep until like 3 in the morning. We all thought it was going to be a bust, but I finally fell asleep. Since I wasn't asleep long, I had to go back for a second night where they tried a CPAP mask on me. Sleep like a baby that night.
You'll do just fine. Just try and relax and think soothing thoughts so you can drift off to sleep. Easier said than done, but as my technician said, "everyone eventually falls asleep!"
Good luck!