Consultation tomorrow
I was thinking of opening a weekend business - "Bypasses by Gary." I have no qualifications or skill - but that never stopped me before. Want to be my first customer? $99.99 - no ups/no extras - and you got yourself a beautiful new gastric bypass. My only qualification is that you can't be a sword swallower - the surgery is just not medically advisable for those folks. Otherwise, it is in by 9 out by 5. I use only the finest duck tape and, let me assure you, that all cuts will be made with first quality Ginsu Knives (each one hand cleaned prior to surgery). Also, I personally sign each spleen. If you sign up today, I'll send you a nifty coffee mug with the word, "Loser" written on it in gold paint.
Seriously, good luck Ed. I was amazed how fast the process moves after the consult. I hope this new adventure meets your dreams.