I've Got a Surgery Date!! Yippee!! Oh my!!
Thanks to everyone for all your very kind and encouraging comments. My son, is playing the Cowardly Lion in his 8th grade spring musical (The Wizard of OZ - de nada). He keeps telling me "Courage!" Then he smirks "Surrender Daddy."
But Whoosh - what a day!
Woke up at 4:30 a.m. - Drove up to Glenbrook Hospital - Gallbladder and Liver Ultrascan, blood work, EKG, Chest XRay, Pulmonary Function Test and Blood Gases (twice - I clotted too soon on the first one). In by 7:15 out by 11:30. Drove downtown and got close to 6 hours of work in (along with making appointments for the Cardiologist and Psychologist). Let me guess, you get half way to the century club just doing all this stuff!
Met two folks along the way who completed their surgery - both very happy.
Time to crash. I'm wiped!
Again, thanks to everyone!!!