I met Giovanna!!/18mo post op report
Hi AMOS IL friends:wave
I had to go to Rush for my 18mos post op w/ Dr. Deziel Friday.
He said all was kick ass with me and gave me the go-ahead to get my PS on March 28th!
I have lost 165lbs(85% of excess) and am at 154lbs today
I also read over my whole file and saw my OR report.... very interesting!
150cm bypassed, transected, 1.5oz pouch...........
Now I don't feel like I'm "missing" those 6.5hrs. I was under anesthesia.
I also saw my psych eval......talked about my panic attacks and Bipolar/MD issues.... but he felt I was VERY knowledgeble about what I was planning to do about my weight problem....and would comply.
So I get down to Au Bon Pain and there she is waiting for me.......
Gio gets up and we say hi and hug and all that.....
It's a good thing I came when I did!!!!
This girl has lost over 40lbs and still in her baggy ass jeans!!!
Good thing I had clothes to give her!!!
I'm happy to report she is in 4 sizes smaller jeans!!
And she looked great in them!
We did lunch in the cafe and chatted for a while
If you get a chance to meet her...go for it! She's a really nice girl
TT-B/L 3.28.05