Dawn that doesnt seem a valid reason for divorce... I would suggest asking him to go to counseling first... There's gotta be something deeper there... Just my opinion I am divorced and trust me if that was the only issue that existed at the time there would have been no divorce...
Sounds like he's saying you work to much to hide behind the real reason...
I hope it works out...
I'm soooo sorry to hear that Dawn ...I have to agree with Debby though...seems to me if you working too much was the only reason he could have just told you how he was feeling and asked you not to work so much...especially if it was to see him through school...but to go to THAT extreme right off the bat?...I truly think there is more to it! Talk to him and ask him to be honest about why he wants a divorce when it would have been just as easy to ask you to work less hours!
Sending you lots of ~hugs~ I hope things get better for you.