Newbie needing more information
Hello, I am considering this lap band surgery. I have heard about a Dr. Van Wagner and a Dr. Beretvas from St. Louis, MO. Can anyone tell me more about these Drs.? I called my insurance co. and they approved me 100% today. How long does it take from beginning to end? Do you go in and get out in one day? How can I get all this information I need about this? I am scared even to consider this option, but I believe it is much much better than the bypass. My mother has several concerns regarding it. She still thinks I can lose this terrible amount of weight by just eating less on my own. If I could stick with a diet and not be hungry, man, I could have less weight to carry around and already have done it. My bmi is 45, which is terrible, plus high bp and diabetes, yuk. Does it hurt after it is done? When can you go back to work? Do you have tubes sticking out of you?
Thanks for listening...
Hi Zena,
I know a lot of us here have had RNY and aren't real well versed in the Lap Band procedure (other than what we learned pre-op when we were making our decisions about surgery).
There is a section on the site dedicated to Lap Band.. there's a community message board (like this one) and there's also a place for surgeon reviews. Here's the link:
Good luck and keep us posted!