Uh, STEF?????
I had a great weekend.. I had to brave the storming and drifting/blowing snow getting up there on Saturday.. so I didn't get there very early (like 5pm).. he made me soup *yummy lentil soup with v8 picante in it!! MMM!!* and we talked for a little while.. then he said "GET IN DA BED" so I did. HAHAHAHAHA.. I think we lasted about 25 minutes in the house together before we did it.. I can't remember what we did the rest of Saturday. I think we watched a movie... **LIKE IT MATTERS**
Sunday morning we slept in.. then woke up.. and youuu knooowww.. he got up and made this incredible breakfast.. eggs with cheese and bacon and some potatoes.. and he made sure I ate all my protein FIRST.. then he told me the surprise he had for me.. he found an antique show going on in Cedarburg so we went down there and spent the day at the show and going in and out of the little shops they have there.. we heart Cedarburg and will probably go back there again.. *tweet tweet tweet* We had stopped at the winery they have there and bought some wine to have with our dinner (we were slow cooking a roast while we were in Cedarburg).. we watched annie hall while we ate dinner and then we both said "what the heck was the big deal about that movie?" Neither of us liked it very much.
Then he brushed my hair for a while.
Then we went to bed.
Then we woke up and he went to work. I did the dishes and cleaned up and packed.. then we had lunch together at this really cool Lebanese place.. then I drove home!!
He'll be down here the weekend of the 18th!
How was your weekend?
Sunday, on the way back from Cedarburg, we wanted to go see this covered bridge that's supposed to be famous in this town.. so we found it.. and we park the car.. I wanted to get a picture and Mike had to make a pit stop.. the bathroom was locked so off he went in search of a tree while I made my way over to the bridge.. I walked along the road where they had pushed all the snow into this big berm but I could see where someone else had made their way through the berm of snow so I could get in and get a picture..
I take one step into the berm.. my entire leg sinks to the ground and disappears in snow.. I step in with my other leg.. SHOOP.. completely disappears.. now I'm like... "CRAP".. can't go forward.. can't go back.. so I decide to go for it.. I try to take my first leg out and get a new step.. BAD IDEA.. I lose my balance.. so now I'm laughing my head off as I fall into this berm of snow.. but I keep sinking.. and I can't see anything but snow around me.. I'm like CRAP!!! so I'm laughing and I start rolling forward.. but I'm still sinking.. so I keep rolling and I finally get a knee on the ground and stand up.
I'm still laughing my head off.. I can tell that I'm covered from head to toe with snow -- Mike later said, "Bumbles don't float!" but anyway -- I look over to the corner where the car is and Mike is doubled over laughing at me!! He said he could hear me laughing and got to the corner... all he could see was my arms and legs flailing around and heard me laughing my head off..
We still laugh about it! I'm laughing right now!!
Hope the image of me flailing around in the snow brings a little sunshine to your day!