Good snack sugarfree!
I bought these great snacks at Sams club.They are called Philly Swirl Like a popcycle.A cross between a italian ice and sobert on a stick.They are great.Don't taste sugerfree.They are on a trial period a sams.
Here is the complete nutritional.
Total FAT.......0
Total Carbs......4g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Sugars 0g
Sugars Alcohol 3g
Contains 100% Vitamin C
Go gets some if they don't sell enough sams will pull them i email the company to ask them to look into a product somewhat the same with protiein.because they are so good.the owner of the company personally called me back that me for the suggestion.said he would try but if this doesn't fly at sams that they would be probably done.So try it they are great!I thought it was awsom that the owner co-founder called me what a great guy.jeff Streator IL check out the web site
Hi everyone the sugarfree are only avaiable at sam's .That is why i was trying to get everyone to get some so they can keep making them.If they go to smaller stores who buy a ton less They might quit making them or they will be a lot higher cost.I talk to alex one of the owners he was calling on the protien already.Wouldn't thet be great to eat a pop that taste good and have 10 grams protien.If they can keep selling to sam's they will have money to look at the protien pops.I hate protien shakes!