Did it work?!?!?
I had surgery on Monday...I'm a week out (wooo hooo).
On Tuesday, the Dr. came in and sat down and started talking to me about how it went...(he had talked to me on Monday, but I was out of it). Anyway, he got to the "bypass" part and he said, "bleh blah blah we bypassed the amount of intestines required by insurance for the procedure to be covered" then he went on to say, "oddly, your intestines are 200cm longer than the average person".
Granted, I'm a big girl...I always have been....I'm over six feet tall and I've always been built like a linebacker...I guess I just never thought that because the package was bigger, the insides would be bigger too.
Anyway...I didn't ask him any questions about that (I was still kinda out of it) but I plan to on Monday (follow-up).
Here is my issues...
Drinking = Fine as long as I don't take big ole gulps
Full Liquids = Fine (as far as that goes...I'm still kinda hungry after I eat (in some instances 6+ oz of liquid soups)
I have no problem drinking 8oz protein drinks (I do feel full afterwards)
I'm worried that I am either screwing it up or that my pouch isn't right or something...I guess I went into this thinking I could only eat the size of a ping pong ball...but so far (on full liquids) that hasn't been the case...
Any suggestions? Am I not doing something right?
Naturally, I am scared to death that this is just another failed diet attempt...and it really has my nerves/emotions going.
I think liquids are different because they can go through the whole between your pouch and intestine faster because they are well... liquid. I didn't really have a problem with drinking in the beginning either. I'm sure you are doing fine... but if you have a question just give your doctors office a quick call.
By the way... do you want to go to the support groups with me... since we are practically neighbors? hehe