Help! I'm hungry!
So I haven't really been really hungry in awhile. Tonight though I feel famished. Today I've eaten:
1 quaker oat bar (no sugar)
1/2 a lean hamburger patty
1 sugar free popsicle
Drank about 30 ounces of water
Normally this would be more than enough but tonight I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks! I think I have PMS so that could be part of it... but still... why am I so hungry?!
Another question... what do you eat?!
Brooke sweetie your not getting in enough from the looks of it..
protien shake for breakfast 6oz 20grams protien
mid morning 4oz mashed tatos/hamburger/cheese
late afternoon/dinner 4oz tuna with cheese mixed in.
2oz apple sauce (to take meds with)
6oz protien shake again
THis changes daily I might have yogurt one day eggs another.. smoothie somtimes it all depends but basically I eat 4x a day and maybe a sugar free fudge pop
Of course you need to do what you surgeon says to do this is what mine says..
To Brooke and Terry,
I was wondering if you liked the banana shakes,and the berry smoothies?
Just curious.I hope you're doing well.Brooke, I'm going to echo the responses already on the board.Drink more water,get more exercise,get more protein,and try not to compare yourself with others.I've seen people on these boards that are not as far out from surgery as I am and they have more weight loss than I .It depresses me,but then I remind myself that people lose at different rates.Be glad for your weight loss this far,and remember this is a journey(not a sprint!!).
Take Care,