Dr. Sidney Rohrscheib
Hi everyone*~
Hope everyone is doing good. I have a question(sorry I ask a lot) Has anyone had their surgery done by Dr. Rohrscheib? If so will you please tell me what you thought about him and his office. Also could you tell me what happens at the consultation? Any info. would be great! Thanks!!!!
I'm not going to Dr. Rohrscheib, but I do know that he did(possibly still does) partner with Dr. Oliphant at Carle Clinic. Iknow he also has an office in Clinton. From what I've heard of him, he's a really good dr. But I havent researched that much on him.
If he does things like Dr. O, you will see the nutritionist, then watch a video on gastric bypass, then meet with the Dr. and ask any questions that you may have.
Sorry Im not much help.
Have a great weekend!
No need to be sorry about questions, that what this site and all of us are here for. To listen,learn and to help each other !!