Walgreens and Optisource
On the Walgreens website they show they carry Optisource vitamins by Novartis/Resource when I went to the Walgreens in Wauconda they didn't have them much less know what they were or what I was talking about Does anyone here buy them locally, or do you order them online? And if you order them online can you toss the web site link my way please?
They are like half the price of Bariatric Advantage ones and I want to switch.
You can get Beneprotein from a mail order company out of Tinley Park, called Tad Industries. That is where I get mine from. For a 8 oz container which has 32 servings in it with 6g or protein each, it costs $9.96 (2003 price list)The company's phone is 800-438-6153. The lady that runs it is really pleasant that runs the company. It will take a couple of minutes to get your CC info from you the first time and then she keeps it in a secure file for future purchases. If you want first to get a price list I am sure that she will mail or fax it to you. I am not sure you can purchase Beneprotein from any place but mail order. I usually order 6 cans at a time so I do not run out. Ps, this company was suggested by my husband's bariatric doctor.
I just went on Beneprotein's web site and it appears that you can only get it through a distributor and not from a walk in store. I looked briefly in their FAQ's and that is where I came up with the info. I want to go back when I have more time to look at their site or maybe contact Novartis company and ask this question about where it can be purchased besides mail order. Chris
They just addressed that very question in my Healthy Lifestyles class last week. Sue (our nutritionist) said that they're aware that it's carbonate vs. citrate but Resource justified it by saying that they found in studies that people were less likely to take that gigantic citrate tablet -- or more likely to stop taking them.. and by putting carbonate in, at least we were getting SOME of what we needed and were more likely to take it.. and absorb much of what was necessary -- the rest we'd hopefully get through the foods we eat.
Yea, it is big but did you know that you can get a chewable cal citrate at Whole Foods? It is a large wafer that is quite tasty. The problem with carbonate is that it binds with the other minerals and vitamins in your system hence making them unusable by your body. I have swallowed the large cal citrate pills and they are not that bad. I have not had any of them get caught in my stoma either. I just make sure that I drink enough water with them.