Vitamist question
I noticed you like Pantera and the like. If your interested, tomorrow tickets go on sale for a Dimebag benefit, actually it benefits the other victims of the shooting. Its at the Aragon in Chicago, on Wed. Feb. 23.
Great lineup, Anthrax, Disturbed, Drowning Pool and Soil, maybe more.
I'll be there if Im able to get tickets, its going to sell out FAST!
I wish I could go that would be so awesome. If you go to pantera dot com
they have a place to donate and also if you go to superjoint ritual they had stickers that said rip in the shape of texas and dimebags guitar just send a dollar and self address stamped envelope i got mine in less then a week you can donate more to them all proceeds go to the victems as well. I wish I could go to the concert.
I can only go my my usage of the B12. I starting using the B12 spray in May of 03, had my labs in July 03 and my B12 was 863, in Oct 03 it was 658, in Jan 04 it was 525 and by April 04 it was 273, which all of these are in the nomal range but my PCP, said ( I was suffering from extreme fatigue) it should not drop that much and I had to start B12 shots, one every week for 6 weeks, then one every 6 weeks, it did come up when I had them every week but then drop a little when I went on the 6 weeks, so now I'm on 4 weeks and she'll check my levels again. Of course this could just be my body. I was taking an oral estrogen, with no problem, then had a bowel obstruction in Oct 04, and the hot flashes and night sweats returned so my surgeon said that maybe my G.I. system is all screwed up and I should go on a estrogen patch for awhile, which is helping. I'm not saying they don't work, they just didn't work for me.