Vitamist question
Boy, I'm laughing my arse off at this thread. So much anger about vitamins. Why don't people consult their physician and go with what they recommend? Isn't that why we pay them the big bucks?
Anywho...I do have to respond to the Hinckley comment. I used to work there when they were known as Hinckley and Schmidt (mid-90's) and I can tell you that they didn't put antifreeze in the water (although I can't speak to it if they do now) to keep it from freezing. I'd help in the warehouse some times and all our trucks had to be kept in the warehouse over night in the winter to keep the water from freezing in the trucks since they were always unloaded/reloaded in the afternoon when the drivers' got done with their route. I can't tell you how many times we had bottles come back that had frozen on the truck during the day or how many phone calls I took from people who didn't seem to understand that why their water was frozen when they got home when the high temp for the day was 10 degrees. Try explaining nicely tha****er freezes at 32 degrees.
I'm not trying to defend them either as I left the company on bad terms and would never try to sell anyone their stuff (can you say rip off?). Just trying to set the record straight...which is what you're trying to do in regards to Vitamist.
Regardless weather I should consult my surgeon, (IF I ever decide I want to take something else, I certainly have plans on discussing it first with him) she being a rep for the product didnt need to jump on everyone for bringing up a bogus article.
If it was bogus and was so concerned with it, she could have come back with facts about THE product instead of presenting so called "facts" about drinking water and vitamins other that Vitamist.
At this point, if I ever wanted to try them, I wouldnt. The same reason you would never sell Hinkley again.
I think some of the problem here is, there are many of us who use vitamist, I have a few friends who take it now also that are not WLS patients I have a friend who uses the B-12 due to her blood problems...I have used it for a year and very happy with it.
This seems to come up if anyone mentions anything about vitamist on here. But no one is questioning Centrum's claims or One a Day? or looking for independant study or research that backs those claims up.
The fact is that the FDA does not regulate the vitamin/suppliment industry, right or wrong. So we try this crap see if it works then when it doesnt move on to something else.
Everyone mentions this one article I have seen the 8 follow-ups to it where the actual doctor who was highly quoted said they fabricated 1/2 the things they claimed he said. Right there told me it wasnt a reliable source.
So again it goes back to we do our own research on the net or by asking here. You try what you want if it works for you great... There is info out there or email them and ask them for their documentation that their products work. Any company who believes and tested the product will be more than happy to send that to you.
Its an advertising thing, just like companies who advertise their water as being pure then when Nightline did a test of bottled water it was found to be less pure than some city water sources... or Mom's choose Jiff peanut butter..... its meant to get your attention.. as a consumer you have the ability to buy or not buy...