Happy Monday Morning 2005 IL!
Good morning everyone! I can honestly say I didn't log onto the computer AT ALL this weekend, so I'm just now catching up!
I had a very nice time with friends Friday night, had my 1st taste of alcohol post-op - a screwdriver made with Light OJ and my favorite Kettle One Vodka. A very small glass and I had a pretty good buzz!
And, as our usual New Year's Eve tradition, we all belted out Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" -
just one of those things that still gives me chills. Silly, huh?
Saturday morning woke up to the youngest having a fever and throwing up all over me.
ICK. Luckily seems to have come and gone and he's much better today. Hopefully it doesn't pass around the family.
Well, for all of you who are back to work this rainy monday, as I am - DON'T WORK TOO HARD!!!
Happy Monday Katie!
Sounds like you had a really great weekend, with the exception of the sick kiddo! I sure hope you have a great week!
Over the break I've seen more movies than I think I did all last year lol. On NYE I saw "Meet the Fockers" with my dad and stepmom and then PC took me to see "Phantom of the Opera" and "Closer" ... Phantom rocks (though I'm still not sure how I feel about the Phantom's voice) and Closer was ... well, disturbing.
Hope to see you tomorrow night!
Don't you work too hard either
I'm just trying to stay dry!
I really wish they would have some kind of reminder about upcoming support groups. Even on their website or something. Because if it weren't for you reminding me, I probably would have forgotten!
I still haven't heard from Ramona - I hope everything's going OK. I'm going to try to call her tonight and see if she'll be there tomorrow too.