I have to ask???
What are your bowel movements like post op? I ask this because my husband has had about 2 1/2 feet removed from his small intestines due to Chrons disease and he has an awful time with very loose stools ect... Are his problems related to the Chron's or is it from the removal of the small intestines? So any takers on this one?
Hi, Shelli!
Having small intestine removed and gastric bypass are not related. Chron's is such a frustrating disease. Talk to your physician about this. Dehydration and malnutrition are a Chron's patient's constant companions when there are flare ups.
The small bowel is mostly responsible for absorbing..if you are missing a bunch of it, things might "run through" faster..I've read where fats and dairy can cause diarrhea in people with Chron's.
Your physician and/or nutrionist is where you will get your best answers.
Best of luck, Shelli.