Personal trainer anyone?
Does anyone use one, and if so, is it costly? Do you know if they can work with you at home with the equipment you have or do you need to join a gym? Or any info you wanna share would be appreciated.
I need someone to kick me in the a@@ and get me going, I just dont have the motivation. Well, my brain says to go but my body doesnt go do it.
Hey there Anonymous,
It's me, the one by Midway. How are your rats doing? I have a membership at Bally's in Hodgkins. The PT are expensive, they're about 1,500 for 10 1 hour sessions. I had a complimentary one and my goodness it was almost as good as sex (the stretching out part and massage afterwards). I also need a kick in the rear to get going. I have a treadmill in my basement but I rarely use it. Maybe we can be eachothers workout partner. Let me know. They always have specials at Bally's.
Hello. The rats are great, thanks for asking.
I also have a treadmill in my basement. I look at it a LOT and say Im going to get on it. Well I did get on it one day last week and I jogged for about 2 mn. My b/f bought an ab machine that I push down with my arms so thats the extent of my weightlifting. pathetic.
Im not one for working out in a gym, I get embarassed. Thats why I cant dance either. And I dont fit the size 2 requirement to join Bally's
I take it your self esteem hasen't quite come back even with the weight you've taken off since September? Come on, gyms are there to work out at not look and envy everybody else-if that were the case I wouldn't leave the house! You need motivation as well as I do. Do you like walking? They have a walking program at Ford City. Do you like swimming? Kennedy HS has swimming for adults at night during the week.
Let me know.
I dont know if I had self esteem to begin with
Im not really into gyms, I have a hard enough time committing to the treadmill in the basement. As far as swimming, I wouldnt get into a bathing suit if it would save my life, shorts too for that matter.
Maybe if I feel better about myself later on, I can put myself out there in a gym.