Postponed- probably...
Oh poop. I was scheduled for my pre-op testing today. But yesterday I found out I was "denied" by my primary insurance. I found this out in the course of a phone call to the surgeon's scheduler. Notice, I had to call HER. When was she going to get around to telling me this? And after she delivered the dreaded word, "denied," and let it hang in the air for a few moments, she finally said that what was missing was documentation of "three dietician consults" (which nobody ever told me about before), and "six months of diet supervision with monthly weights." I tried to tell her I already had that in the file but she said "It's not here," and wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise. I tried to tell her that it was the LAST thing they waited for before they would send my file to insurance, so it HAD to be there somewhere. I tried to tell her the secondary insurance wouldn't have approved if the six-month diet/weights wasn't in there. I tried to tell her that it might be in an unusual place- faxed from my PCP's office rather than from the endocrinologist who handled the diet. But no. She wasn't listening. This person has an attitude of "I know everything, and you know nothing, so shut up." This is the same person who told me the secondary would NOT pay for the whole bill if the primary refused; although the referral and approval I received did NOT say that. Try to ask the question, and as usual, she cut me off. I'm not impressed.
Fortunately, I did consult a dietician three times this past spring, so I was able to fax those records to her this morning. I also called the endo's office, and they said they'd fax the diet/weights ASAP. So I DO have the documentation they requested. Maybe this will be ok after all. But you'd think these people would have handled enough insurance that they'd notice there were TWO insurance plans on my records, and apply to BOTH of them at the same time. No, instead, they got approval from the secondary, scheduled my surgery, and then "OOPS" noticed that there was another insurance to file. The left hand apparently doesn't know what the right hand is doing. You'd think... oh, never mind, apparently they DIDN'T think.
Thanks for letting me vent here. I'm just angry at the "last-minute" shenanigans from people who are supposed to be professional. The waiting didn't bother me-- until now. It's like they try to see how much stress you can take. I'm not going to the nutrition support group tonight. I think it would be too depressing.
Gail i am so sorry to hear that, insurance sucks, the rules are unbelieveable. I am pre op and to get approved to even see the surgeon i have to have a 6 month DR regulated diet, see a dietian, and see a pschy. I have completed 2 months of the diet and seen the dietian and will see the pschy today. I am getting a little impatient but i have told myself that if i want to have surgery i have to follow all the rules the insurance has(all i have to say about that is ^%$$%^). I know you are close but dont give up maybe that hateful surgery scheduler will yhink about how rude she was and will take care of your paperwork. Good luck on getting things with the insurance straightened out and keep us informed of your progress once you reach the LOSING side of life. Nanette