OT - Sassy's adventures in Nashville - LONG
My weekend ... well, to be blunt ... SUCKED! It was going to be bad enough driving to Nashville to sit in classes all weekend and take finals, but Saturday proved that things could get worse!
Friday I got there plenty early and we all studied for our kinesiology practicals that were on Saturday morning. Saturday morning Hill and I got up and got ready and as we were walking down the stairs *boom*!!! I fell really hard right on my tailbone and bounced down 5 steps to the landing. I was hurting but I got up and was standing there when I started feeling kinda funny and I was going to turn around and tell Hillary I wasn't feeling so good and the next thing I know I'm laying on the ground seeing those stars people are always blabbering about and Hillary is scrambling for her phone!! I passed out!! (Apparently pain can cause your blood pressure to bottom out and not enough blood to get to your head causing you to faint.) She called 911 and so a fire truck and ambulance came. I didn't really want to go but when I said that to one of the (cute as could be) firemen he was like well, there's another word for it ... "kidnapping". Another one of the hottie firemen was asking me all of the orientation questions - what day is it? Finals day. What month is it? December. Who's the president. GW. Ok you pass Sooo I let them load me up on to the hard cold back board, complete with cervical collar and tape on my forehead and off we went to Summit hospital. Yeesh. I spent a couple of hours in the ER getting my cervical spine and sacral areas x-rayed and a lovely CT scan of my head (thanks to the nice gooseggs I gave myself when I passed out and my head bounced on the concrete). Hillary was finally able to get ahold of someone at school and let them know what was going on. The lovely ER doc said there was nothing broken but I may have a hairline fracture in my ****yx that they can't see on the x-rays. It sure hurts enough!!!
So I hobbled out to the car and we went back to school and took our kinesiology practicals - I got 100 on a positive note! Everyone at school was really nice asking how I was doing and stuff. It really hurts to sit though. I left a little early today so I could take my time driving home and that last hour and a half (of the 6 and 1/2 total) were KILLER. The only thing I've taken is Tylenol - I have a script for Lortab but I didn't fill it down there because there was nowhere open after class and today we had to be at school at 8 Soooooo there's my weekend in a long nutshell I'm thankful that Hillary was there - noone from the hotel staff came out to check on me or why there was a fire truck and ambulance outside their office so I'm a little miffed about that. I'm also thankful I'm not hurt worse from falling down the stairs or when I passed out. But it sure is the biggest pain in the butt I've had in a long time!!!
Hope all of your weekends were better!
What'd I miss from Friday 'till today?
Anyone from the COMP clinic go to the support group on Saturday? How'd it go?
Glad to hear your okay. What a weekend. It sounds horriable.
not sure what you missed with everyone eles as my weekend was a rollercoaster and spent most of last night on the main board crying over what i couldnt eat, and peanut butter that wouldnt mix and God knows what elese. Anyhow i survived, barly
today was a little better but ended up in a fight with bekah, i think she thinks im loosing it, 1st yesterday...she even called my "mom" to calm me down but i wish she would have come here. Mom got me through it at 1st but has her own things...at that point i was crying over the peanut butter cause it wouldnt mix. Anyways today her and i were doing good till i went to get a very special ice-cream bar i had boughtt for tough times only to find out she had eaten 2 of them and bang lost it again, sent her to bed cause i couldnt take her attitude over it. I think im definatly going
anyways thats it here thankfully i meet with her counslor tomorrow so that should help and hopefully she will post here soon for support. Its just her and i now, her dad well lets just say hes indisposed at the moment so i really need her.
hoping to get a decent nights sleep.
take care of that bum okay
So was it the thump on the noggin' or the ride by cutsie Fire man that helped with the finals-Either way Thank goodness you are OK and nothing worse happen to you.I can't belive that about the Hotel-people are just not as compassionate anymore.
Glad your ok! Get a Donut for the tushy so the pressure on it isn't so bad.
Thanks bunches Terry I am on my way to try to fill the script the ER doc in Nashville gave me, if not my doc's nurse said she'd call something in for me. I'm hobbling around and the worst parts are trying to get up or sit down, the whole transitional thing while your body is in motion. But, this too, shall pass I'm just thankful I didn't break anything else.
Hope you have a great week!