somone did a drive by flamming on me
incapable of taking constructive criticism.I Have some criticism for you, you my correct every word i have in a post,but you will not tell me what to write and if you don't like it don't read my post.It didn't seem anyone else that i usually talk to had a problem with what i wrote it was meant as a funny joke huh huh.I'm guessing you don't have a humorous bone in your body sense your acting all serious.I didn't know you were everyone i thought there was more then you here ,cause it sounds like your talking for everyone ,but only you have said something something about my grammar and spelling.My possible attempt to be gentle with your oh-so-fragile young ego is to say get a life and stop picking on people!Im done i will not now will i ever post anything for you.....
Wow she was right to correct every word like a illiterate two year old.Well whatever im done with this site.
You know after my mom died in july this site is the only thing that give me comfort and enjoyment,but people like her makes it not worth coming here anymore,And NO i cant take criticism when you have been called stupid all your life.Your wrong and mean!
Everyone take a deeeeeeeeeeeep breath
OK...I'm going to stick my 2 cents in here too
Chandra- I was reading the posts between you guys and Jason (his post) and I was laughing so hard I thought I would pee're ALL pervs!!!! LOL
...anyway...then I went to your post about being flamed and although my first reaction when I read the title was also to come to your "defense" (so to speak) because why would anyone feel the need to flame anything YOU have to say??? you are always so light hearted, fun loving and supportive...but as soon as I realize it was a joke...THAT is exactly how I took a JOKE!! had you said something in your title like you were dying or something more serious than a drive by flaming?...I would have to agree OFF TOPIC should have been put on it...but anyone *****ads the post can clearly see you were trying to get the board hopping...and boy did you ever!! I thought it was funny and I can certainly see it was meant to be a pick-me-up for the board!
Stephanie- Wow! I think you were a little harsh on Chandra don't you think? We all come here for support, encouragement and information but we also come here because we've established a "family" like attitude towards each other. We genuinely care about each other!
I don't know if you are having a bad day or what the reason was/is for your comments towards Chandra but if you look back at everything you said you should see that YOU went way beyond any harm she might have done by posting off topic without specifying thats what her post was...and you went as far as going totally off topic by ridiculing her and treating her like she was a child in need of a scolding! We all get frustrated sometimes and don't like certain things other people it really necessary to try and make yourself look better than others? You are a good speller...great...good for you ...but does that mean this is the place to point out someone else doesn't spell as well as you?...did we all need to see you ripe her a new a** because those things annoyed YOU? In my opinion...and thats all it is...MY opinion ...sometimes certain things are just better left UNSAID! This whole post has gone from someone trying to get us laughing and firing up this sleeping board to someone being insulted and the whole thing ending in a huge war of words sad! ....was it really worth it in the end to type out your "annoyances" and make her feel bad?
Anyway, lets all be good to each other and support each other in good, bad, and indifferent....there's enough hate and war going on in this about we just show love and tolerance in our lil WLS world!
Hi Konni,
No, I'm not having a bad day at all. As I've said MANY times, there is absolutely NO ill will or malice in what I said to Chandra.
I'm aware that my delivery is direct -- and that is often (as we can see here) misinterpreted as rude, mean, condescending.. etc.. etc.. when in fact, NONE of that is in what I said.
I did NOT call Chandra "stupid" -- that's something she read into what I said. I have no control over that.
I told her exactly -- EXACTLY -- what I thought.. I even made EXTRA SURE to be clear that what I was saying was NOT coming from a place of anger or anything.. just that what she did was annoying. It sucks to hear that.. but hey, it's the truth... constructive criticism at its best (or worst, if you happen to be on the receiving end of it sometimes)..
I even said in the first post along these lines that I knew she was going to get mad at me.. and hey.. that's her option. That doesn't change the fact that I'm not angry with her.. it doesn't change that I don't like her ANY LESS than I did before.. and I don't think LESS of her for reacting the way she did -- and if you ask me (which yeah, I know nobody is asking but here goes anyway) she OVER-reacted... we could have had a very adult conversation about forum etiquette but she had no interest in that.. and well.. okay. Again, something I have no control over.
I'm not the one who went storming off the board. I spoke my mind, she didn't like it. It's a chance you take when you participate in online forums.
Oh well.
FORUM ETIQUITTE, SCHMORUM ETIQUITTE....Its called being a freaking human being. How sad it must be to have to 'critique' (read: criticize, belittle) someone else to make yourself seem smarter.
Prior to this thread I thought you were a pretty classy person that offered support to everyone, no matter whether you 'liked' him/her or not. just come off as petty and hyper-critical. Offering your ideas on a post is one thing...but to rip someone's post apart because her grammar, punctuation, spelling or sentance structure is incorrect just sucks.
Here's my 2 cents...and I expect you'll flame me for it as well...(even though I'm thin, I have big flame away...) You were out of line and owe Chandra an apology. No one cares why you were so hyper-critical. You were just plain wrong. Be an adult, admit it, and apologize. Chandra seems pretty forgiving...But since you ripped her here, you should also apologize here, in public.
Everyone has an 'off' day, and I hope this was yours...and thats all
Hugs to everyone!!!!
Hiya Dixie!
I totally agree with what you said. Her comments to Chandra were totally uncalled for and very mean spirited whether she wants to see that or not. Chandra has been a wonderful source of support, encouragement, information and YES even many laughs at times when I'm sure people could sure use a good laugh. I truly believe that Stef either had a REALLY "off" day or she has issues no one knows about and she is taking them out on Chandra for whatever reason. I hope she takes the time to rethink what shes said and gives Chandra and this board the apology you requested.
hugs girl!! ...have a great rest of the week!
Hey chick
Yeah..being 'direct' is one thing. Heck..I VALUE knowing that what I see with someone is what I get. I like knowing where I stand, and I usually dont pull any punches when it comes to telling it like it is. (or how I see it anyway...)Personally, as a former English major, it bugs the CRAP out of me when someone mis-uses the words 'youre/your' and stuff like that...but I would never publicly criticize anyone for that. Its MY OWN hangup;) Being mean-spirited is another thing, entirely. I purposely mis-spelled a couple words in my previous post, and didnt receive any maybe our message is getting through. Steph..we love and value ya....but you sucked on this thread...thats all;)
Im getting creamed by finals...and prefer to take my frustration out on my A and P teacher!!!
"oh well"??? it seems pretty easy for you to post inappropriate comments on here and take an "oh well" attitude...or am "I" OVER reacting to that???
You seem to think you are miss perfect? have we actually met the one person in this world that is PERFECT??? i said before...was it really THAT important to point out her spelling errors and the things that annoy YOU about her??? I would think that if it was THAT important and THAT frustrating to you that she has some spelling or gramatical errors, that you could have sent her a private e-mail telling her so (even though if I got an e-mail like that I would be telling you where you can stick it lol) and you know....I think you have some very deep seeded issues you need to take a long hard look at...maybe the fact that you didnt speak your mind and just stayed quiet for so long allowing it to actually hurt you mentally and physically has done more damage than you know...because now you seem to speak (type) without thinking or caring at all......I would suggest looking into that asap...I'm sure there is some professional help out there for that kind of thing....but then thats just MY constuctive critism