getting approved.
You need to GAIN 22lbs. to get WLS???!!!
I double-dog dare you to post this on the main message board
We don't take lightly to this kind of crap.....gaining to get WLS.....that's totally pathetic
I don't know your health history as you do not have a profile so maybe you have co-morbids?
Call your insurance co and see what they say.
pathetic, the insurance company is pathetic. We pay good money for coverage, I have a bmi over 35, I have depression, and I have degenerative disc disease, which is very painful. The anti depressants, and neurontin for the nerve pain caused me to gain astronomical amounts of weight. And it keeps climbing. I have even stopped taking my medicine, so I would not gain any more. But that did not help. I bought a treadmill and gazelle, but cannot even exercise cause of the back pain. So, the insurance company will not cover me unless my BMI is 40 or over. I have tried to lose this weight. Nothing works. Any suggestions???
I did NOT say YOU were pathetic....... I stated posting that you had to GAIN weight to have WLS is pathetic.
And I sure do agree that these F@%&$@# insurance co's are pathetic!
Why the hell do people that want WLS have to jump through so many hoops?
I'm sure they don't do this to people that need other surgeries.
Who is your insurance co? Have you called them to find out what exactly the require? Do they have an exclusion for WLS?
Alot of them require 5yrs proof of being MO and some co-morbids.
Sometime even a 6-12 mo "try one more diet and record the history" bull**** thing.
I've been there with the anti depressants.....gained 90lbs.
Sorry to sound like such a ***** I guess it just struck a nerve when you said you had to gain weight to get WLS.
I am sorry.....I hope you can forgive me
I would double check you ins. If it's not excluded the 40 bmi should be the main factor for approval. Some insurance co's need additional issues like Dr supervised diet etc. I was 120 pounds over wieght and ran into alot of grief from the medical community and family because I was not "big" enough, my bmi was 43. I am down 82 pounds since 4/13/04 and it was 110% the best thing I have ever done for myself. I feel so great with no negative effects. Plus My skin is going back pretty well since I was not any larger. So if it's been an ongoing problem, you've tried everything else then go for it. I ate at every buffet I could find up to a week before my surgery. I am in a size 12 and lookin good for a 46 year old.
take care Patti
ELizabeth, I understand what you mean by gaining the weight, sorry you seem to be getting flamed maybe those flaming you will go back to read your earlier posts where you listed your co-morbitites. And dont post anything on the main they are vile people and yes they will flame you badly its just a shame people peek in and out of here without following anyones progress or what they are doing posted to you with out knowing your situation or what you have said in previous posts... go set up your profile and list all your stuff so they can see what your situation before jump and throw stones at you....
I dont know what to tell other than I wish you luck in your decision...
It's a shame that people peek in and out of here?
What????!!! Do I need to have a special membership to post here??!!
I certainly need NO ONES approval to post here...
Last I knew I could go anywhere on this site I want to.
People on the main message board are vile?
I've seen some bull**** go on in here.......oh... and people don't reply if you're not in their little "group" .
Not that I care as I have my own little group of people whom I like to talk to
Ummmm... are you the IL board police?
I'll post ANYWHERE I damn well please on all the message boards on
You whine about Elizabeth getting flamed yet you flame the flamers!! WTF??!!
I'll just stop here.....Have a nice day!!
Who in the hell died and left you GOD?
You have no right to respond in the manner that you have here.
You really need to take a bit of advice " If you don't have anything nice to say, KEEP YOU MONTH SHUT!!!!!!"
I will go join Debby, with the kinds of ******** fling in and out of this airport, I think I would rather take the bus.