on a good note.. wrapped xmas presents
I USED to have all my shopping done by Thanksgiving, but gave that up cause I missed out on sales and bargains that just don't happen before October. Plus it seems like all the neat new toys come out in time for Thanksgiving...I am saving way more money now by procrastinating and doing it later. Call me cheap but I even have some relatives I buy their gifts Christmas eve at the pre-after Christmas sale.....
I sort of buy stuff all year long. Get alot of clothes for my daughter when its on sale or clearance. I sort of consider myself a "tightwad" also. Usually everytime I go to Walmart, i try to pick up at least one gift at a time. That way it doesn't seem to hurt the pocket book as much in Dec. Usually I have everything paid off before the holidays get here, except for what my husband buys for me. He is the last minute shopper in our house. So now when I go shopping after Thanksgiving it is more for fun and I help those I go shopping with (sisters and friends) . For some reason it takes the stress out of it, knowing i don't have to get anything, but if i do, then its just alittle extra for under the tree.