Fitness Centers & Gyms
Hi guys! I'm looking for a new fitness center/gym. I've done Curves and got bored. I took cardio kickboxing for a while, but it was too hard to fit the class times into my work schedule. I'm searching for something else.
Price, of course, is a factor for me! I just called one place and was told that I could be a member for a $400 initiation fee plus $92 per month...
Does anyone have a club that they really like and would recommend to a fellow postie?
Check to see if there is a Bally's gym near you. If so, look on Ebay. They sell Bally memberships that gives you all the emenities for about 3 or 400 and your renew is 85.00 a year. I have a Bally's membership but I don't use it because I have a 16 and 11 year old that likes to go to the gym too so I had to get a membership at the local YMCA.
I go to the fitness center at the Pavillion, which is in Elk Grove at the park districk. It's great! the price is reasonable, and it includes all classes including the pool and water aerobics classes, all machines too. They have a great spinning class (which they call indoor cycling) and I enjoy it alot! Not like balleys (not meaning to put them down) but men don't gauk at the woman and you can dress the way you want and feel comfortable to just go and exercise. I am sure that Palatine has a park district fitness center, you should check it out.