Pre-determination Letter sent . . .
Okay, my pre-determination letter has been sent, what is the usual response time and approval/denial time?
I am excited because I did not think that the letter would be going out yet!!
In case I forget, Have a great weekend everyone!!!
I already bought my tickets to see the Incredibules tonight!! I think that I am more excited than my son!!!
wait, I thought pre-determination letter was different than requesting approval. You mean, they are the same thing?
Now I am nervous!!!! I thought that they just sent out this pre-determination letter to see exactly what your insurance requires and then they submit everything at one time.
Oh my gosh, if it is my approval/denial letter, I do not know if I am ready for that yet. . .
Now comes the best part, they sent it out 10/27 so I can call now
I just called my insurance and they sent out a letter on the 1st to my surgeon saying that it is not medically necessary for me to have the surgery.
I will not get upset until I actually see this letter. If it was in deed mailed out on the first, I should have a copy in my mailbox at home either today or tomorrow.
Hold off on those cheers, I may be getting really upset first.
Cheryl - I have Principal. They do have a six month doctor supervised diet and I am hoping that I was denied just because I have not completed that yet but I do not have my letter yet.
Thank you Debby!!!
I am trying not to get to upset yet.
I was wondering, is it considered one of my appeals when I reapply because this was just a letter of predetermination? I hope not!!! I do work for a law firm, if necessary I may have to call up one of those attorneys I work for to help me out!!!