The Worst Day Ever
I called the insurance company today to see if I was approved. The lady came back and said "yes you were approved a letter has been sent to you and your physician". I was so excited... like I haven't been in a really long time. Then I realized well my dad just had his surgery and maybe they confused mine with his, because this seems to good to be true... it was. I called back and the lady that I talked to said she didn't see any record of my approval... talk about devestated. So I called back one more time for a third opinion and this lady had some shocking news for me as of 5/15/04 I didn't have insurance with their company anymore!! I called the other number they gave me to call and they said they had been sending my dad a form since May!! MAY!! and he hadn't filled it out verifying that I'm a full time student! So I called him and told him I was very upset with him and he said he would take care of it today... so we'll see. Talk about from your extreme highs to your extreme lows. I feel so bad right now!
You be sure to let us know what happens, I'm totally crossing my fingers and toes and .... all my extremities for ya! This WILL work out girl! I'm just an email away if you need anything!