I'm back from Phoenix!!!!
Man...you guys...Vitamist is THE BOMB!!!!
All the people there are just great. I have never laughed so hard in my life. They are just a wonderful group and I really wish I lived closer. We ALL got along and it was just great!
If you want more info on Vitamist, I'm going to post on my journal all the info or you can email me. (Email will probably be faster)
I honestly think that if you are post op and don't use this product, you're NUTS! You have NO IDEA what a waste other pills are. I'm telling ya. Vitamist has a 90% absorbtion rate. So if you take it, you're really getting it. I now know WHY I had the tingling in my arms and legs and WHY the B12 made it go away. It is the BEST option for B12...I'm telling ya!!!! And if you get on their monthly mailing...you save $4 per bottle, get free shipping AND it will AUTOMATICALLY be sent to you. You don't have to worry about running out to the store because you ran out of vitamins. There are just so many benefits...I'm already rambling. LOL
Anyhoo, my trip was nice. I am VERY happy to report that my seatbelt FIT. It JUST fit but it totally clicked. My head is still recovering from the ear popping but I'll be ok.
It's nice to be home but I definately already miss my new friends/co-workers in Phoenix.
This is a great company and I am very proud to say I'm a part of it. It is a SMALL FAMILY owned company and I just can't tell you how much I love it.
OH...AND...they are coming out with a protein drink. Check this out...shhhhh...don't tell anyone.
10g of protein. TEN GRAMS of protein in 3-4oz of liquid. TEN GRAMS!!!! And it doesn't taste like BUTT! And even if it did, it's only 3-4oz so you can just down it and be off.
The protein drink also includes 50% daily calcium and 25% daily iron. Ya can't beat that with a stick!!!!!
They are really working to improve the lives of post-op patients and I, for one, am going to be with them all the way. They actually listen to your feedback. And check this out...the chemist at the company...the SPRAY Vitamin company...his name.....
Dr. Spray
Really, that is his name. *Stef, you can relate to this right? LOL*
So email for more info or to sign up!
I also need to go out to support groups so if you are in a support group, give me the information so I can set up a day to come and talk about VITAMIST!!!!

Personally, I think that if you want to hawk a product, you should pay for banner space like everyone else. Also, it's possible to get your nutrients from good ole plain food. IMHO Most successful post ops dont use protein drink supplements...rather we learn to eat healthy foods that contain everything we need, and normal quantities as well. The one exception being b12...which is absorbed sublingually
Good luck!

That was kinda harsh.
Not everyone can get their nutrients from food. Actually, one of the reps from Atlanta still has an IV over a year out because she has trouble eating. She's had to go back into surgery multiple times to stretch her pouch. She has had a really hard time at things. Vitamist has given her another avenue of getting her nutrients where they might be able to take that thing out of her and she can feel a little more normal.
With a 'normal' outcome, which is what you expect from this surgery, you can get everything you need, except b12 from normal food. Of course, there are people that run into trouble post op...and some people die during surgery. But you cant let the 'maybes' stand between you and a healthier life. For a new post op, vitamins and supps are fine...but for someone who is a year or so or more post op, there's no need.
Ok here's my two cents for whatever they are worth oh wait they are worth 2 cents LOL anyway I'm opinionated and I'm going to voice mine over what I thought was a bit of a harsh remark..
First of all we are all going through the same thing, I personally like to hear and see personal testimonies on products so I can make a decision on whether or not I want to use them. Melissa your enthusiasm over the Vitamist is great! I'm sorry you had a slight flicker of flameage.
Her being so enthusiastic opened a door of opportunity for her, now I know someone I can order this stuff from if I should choose to use it. And for those others who might not be as internet savy now they know someone who can take care of their vitamin needs after surgery.
Normal outcomes... what's normal for one might not be normal for another...
Melissa hocking a product on our board is no different than Susan Maria hocking her book yet no one has flamed her about it...
Anyway I don't come here to see us get flamed and if this is going to turn into the main board then I won't be around much longer...
Luv ya all!!