Hello everyone. New to this sight.
Hello! I just wanted to welcome you to the site!! Congrats on jumping through all the hoops and being almost there.
I have no advice as I am pre-op myself. So if anyone offers you any, I'm going to grab onto it also and put it with my notes.
The weekends are sloooowwwwwww around here, it'll pick up monday a little more. The ladies here are wonderful. You'll love em all!!
Looks like we are in the same boat! My date is the 12th and I'm just trying to get some things done before surgery day.
My apartment is in serious need of an overhaul so I'm working on that.. I'm going to take a little break next weekend and spend some time with my boyfriend. I'm also making sure I have all the products and information I will need post-op. Suffice it to say, I know I have a lot on my "plate" right now.. but it's getting better and I know my new life starts soon!!
I guess I don't have any advice.. other than to just relax and know that soon you'll be a loser!!

Hello Susan
I wanted to add my welcome to the bunch here
Advice for this time before surgery? Just relax. Hopefully you are confident in your decision and your surgeon and his capabilities. Gather a few things you're going to want to have on hand as a new post-op. I went into nesting mode and cleaned and rearranged my entire apartment. Sure wi**** would've stayed that way.
Anyways, we're all here cheering you on!