Halloween: What will you be??
Well people Halloween is just around the corner, and just for fun I was wondering what you will be?
My daughter is going to be a "pretty witch" my son is the Red Bionicle. And my husband and I are going as tea bags. I'm calling us "Tea for Two". (Can you tell he didn't have much choice in the decision. LOL)

my 2 yr old is going to be a clown, my 5 y/o wants to be a pirate(this week, but he has no other choice, we've already got his costume) and my 9 y/o just decided yesterday he wants to be an army man.. which is easy enough, he's got everything he needs here.
I'm not dressing up this year, but more than likely will next year and from here on out.
I bought a totally cute poodle skirt and pink fuzzy sweater
I'm a BOBBYSOXER!! My daughters are a vampire and either a renaissance maiden or country music singer complete with rhinestones;) she's not sure which yet. My oldest , a boy, is a bank robber. Hopefully its not a mirror into the future!! LOL
This is my first grown-up skinny Halloween...and I wanted to be a princess but couldnt get it together
Happy Haunting!