Jenn? I have a question about your DH pre-surg tests
I hope you mean me...
At his first appointment with the surgeon, it took about 2 hours. We went to UIC, went to the "customer service area" first, paid our co-pay. Then we went to meet with the surgeon. We waited about 40 minutes to meet with him. They took blood pressure, pulse, respirations, weight, and a brief medcal history. (did anyone in your family ever die of catalytic conversion, yada yada...) We both went in to meet the surgeon, and he spent time going over the risks, the details of the surgery, and answering our questions. When we left, I felt certain that there was no way the surgery was going to be approved. It just seemed like the SURGEON was against it...but I suppose he really wasn't, he just wanted US to be sure...
He told us it would be 3 weeks before we heard, and it was almost exactly 2 weeks later that we got the referral for the surgery. Once the date was scheduled, we got the info on the 3 tests he needed (EKG, CBC, and chest Xray) and that was it.
I hope this helps!
Well, no upper GI was required.
The CBC and EKG were done in his PCP's office, on Tuesday at noon. He was in and out in under 90 minutes.
The chest Xray and Stress test (which his PCP decided he needed) were a 6 hour my profile for the details, which are WAAAAAY to long to post here
Generally, I guess it depends on your doc/hosp. I would imagine that you will want to plan to be at the dr for the whole day, just in case.
Good luck!!!!