hi all
just wanted to introduce myself. I am sharon and i have been browsing this site for along time. I have had the rollar coaster ride of should i do this or should i not. HAve i tried everything?? Well to anwer that i had to do alot of me thinking. What i came up with is that i have a surgery date of nov 4th at little company in evergreen park
Friday i have all the preop at the hospital. I will be honest i am scared to death. I have been going to meetings and trying to do all i can to get me ready for this life changing experience. I Am soooooo ready but scared .lol
I know that i have to rely on all the support that i can get and feel that this site is where i will get it. You see i am a mom of a 2 1/2 year old and a seven month old and i will not be able to go to all the face to face meetings. Thank god for the the internet.
well just wanted to pop in and say hi and that i apperciate all the postings. THe one thing that i will say to all of u is that we all have the same feelings and it is great that we have a place like this to go to. EVERY post helps someone out.. so thank u all