Pre-Op Testing (long)

on 10/19/04 5:41 am - Lisle, IL DH went for his pre op testing today. The surgeon only requires an EKG, a CBC, and a chest Xray. We knew going in that the PCP couldn't do the Xray. He drew the blood, and did the EKG, and... Now he wants a stress test. The irony is that he says the EKG was 'good'. There was a "minor irregularity" in one rythym. The doc says its nothing to worry about, just a small abnormality. (To which my husband said: "Of course. Everything about me is only normal if its abnormal..." True! ) My DH tried to get out of it, but the PCP was very insistent... The other thing is that he can't do a standard stress test, because of his foot he can't walk a treadmill. So...they do this other kind where they inject something that emulates the stressors...have any of you ever heard of this? Anyway, his appointment is tomorrow at 9:15am for the stress test, at Good Sam, which is where he will also have his chest Xray. Unfortunately, I can't go with him, so he'll have to valet park...he can't walk from the parking lot to the hospital on his foot. On another note, he has an abrasion on his foot, from the cam walker. We're taking care of it, but he has some neuropathy in the foot which can delay healing and cause infection. His doc said that if it doesn't heal in a week, he will put DH in the hospital. (BTW, DH does not have diabetes. Although typically neuropathy and Charcot's foot, both of which he does have, are usually associated with diabetes, for some reason my DH just has them. He's not even borderline or hypoglycemic...he just gets all the nifty extras that he'd be prone to if he did...see what he means about abnormal!?! ) Anyhoo...I didn't mean to post so long, but if you could keep us in your thoughts tomorrow, and until we see if this heals up, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not really stressed out yet, but I am a little nervous about the wound. The foot problems are one of the reasons why he's having surgery, so I'd hate for complications from his foot to stop him from having surgery. Thanks so much! Have a great day!
Captain Vitamist
on 10/19/04 6:08 am - Somewhere, IL
WOW! Hugs to you and your DH. I've heard of that stress test with the injection. I refuse to do something like that. It scares me to think of injecting something in me that will do something like that to my body. But ya do what ya gotta do right? I hope everything goes well and he's on his way soon!!!! HUGS Melissa Lap RNY 8/31/04 398/338/190
on 10/19/04 7:59 am - Lisle, IL
Thanks, Melissa... I have read a little more on this, and I think I may have to figure out how to be there...I don't know if he'll be able to drive afterward.
Proud Military Mom
on 10/20/04 12:57 am - Reno, NV
Sorry but what the heck is a DH, when i was married I referred to my husband as my "damn husband" but I dont think thats what it is... Of course when we were married I would introduce him as "my first husband" LOL Debby
on 10/20/04 11:36 pm - Lisle, IL
Darling Husband Dear Husband 'Dorable Husband Devoted Husband Desirable Husband Delectable Husband Divine Husband and sometimes Damn Husband... or Demented Husband it all depends on how I feel. But feel free to insert your own adjective based on your own mood! Have a good one! Jennifer
on 10/19/04 12:54 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
a lot of hospitals have free valet parking
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