They Moved My surgery date UP!
LOL I'm actually in Meadowbrook which is even smaller than Moro LOL We are kinda growing up here , most of the farmers are selling off the cornfields and they are building subdivisions. Its strange coming home (dh is in the Navy so I'm here maybe once a year) and seeing how much everything has changed. Where are you at?
I know where that is too! I live in Taylorville now, but I actually grew up in Staunton so we used to go to Alton all the time right through your neck of the woods
I was down that way for a wedding over the summer and oh my! I couldn't believe all the subdivisions popping up! It's amazing.
So are you getting nervous or anything about your surgery?

You're going to be just fine! Ramona has some great advice for keeping yourself healthy. It's so easy to get sick this time of year so just take care of yourself for the next few days and all will be fine! Wow just a few more days! How cool! Please make sure to let us know how you're doing just as soon as you're feeling up to it! If there's anything I can do, just let me know!
HI Judith:
Congrats on your surgery date. You will do just fine. With your son barking I would go buy one of those masks to keep the germs at bay.
Just joking; but I would get some of that antibacterial gell like Purel to wash your hands with on a regular basis this is what I use at my house when we all have the hacking cough as well as some lysol....SOunds extreme huh? Just some ideas, you may not get it before surgery but the germs could sneak up and attack you at a later date...HEY CATHY are are ya? Heard from Katie? Haven't seen her posting much yet...