Support Group Dr. T Tonight!!!
Just a reminder about the support group.
It's at 6:30 p.m. at Westlake hospital in Brewster Hall
Our reps from Vitamist can't make it (They are giving away $10,000 for PS and had to reschedule for December) so I don't know what we are going to have for topic.
Big announcements tonight Secret Santa, Clothing Exchange, Newsletter....lots going on!!! And a chance to meet Dr. T since He's gonna be there!!!!
If you need directions...let me know!
You don't need them to get home. Just to get to YOUR home.
The next meeting is November 15th.
Do you have to come up here for your bloodwork? You should be able to do it there and have the records sent in time for your surgery in DEC.
You can, however, do the bloodwork downstairs from his office. Then you can do your Garfield impression for the passersby again.