I'm really failing at this
Guys and Gals,
I need some prayers really!! I cant seem to get my self back on track and have now added another 7 pounds!!! In order to see a dietican i have to either pay it myself or not go and i dont have the extra money to go see one!! Something is going on for me to always be hungry!! I do eat protein foods and i still seem hungry!! I just dont know what to do any ideas i am open for them but please dont flame me i am really struggling and am considering myself a failure at this surgery!! Again i am open for ideas and please do pray i just dont know how on earth to get back on track
I am falling in to depression because of all this!! I am almost back to 200 and looking at my picture just make me more upset that i could even let myself gain weight
I love all of you guys and thank you so much for caring!!
OK, Marsha. Don't think of this as a flame. I'm not saying this to hurt you. I'm saying it straight out because...well...we all know that is how I am.
First of all, quit your whining. You are far from a failure losing that much weight. If you gain it ALL back, that would be failing. If you're talking about needing a revision...that isn't good.
You need to take a good hard look at what your intake is on a day to day basis. Getting your protein in is great, BUT how many carbs, how many CALORIES are you getting in? That is a BIG IMPORTANT thing. Read your labels. You want a dietician...give me a call. I can help you out.
Write everything down that you put in your mouth. Write down the calories, fat, carbs, protein and SODIUM. Sodium will make you swell if you are taking in too much and those 7lbs could be water.
You are falling into a depression because you keep on keeping on about how bad you are doing. Quit talking and start doing. Keep up that exercise. Make sure you are SWEATING while you are doing it too. If you aren't sweating, you aren't doing anything different to your body. Make sure it's something aerobic. Get your heart pumping. And make sure you are getting in your WATER!!!! You were talking about all these no sugar drinks whatever....go for a week cutting out one of those drinks and throw in some water. Whenever you want one of those drinks...grab a bottle of water. Keep the cap off and drink drink drink it!
Sometimes you have to go back to the basics.
You can do this. You've been fighting for too long. Start winning!!!!
First off thank you for the response
I didnt think i was whining i am really lost and cunfused right now!! To be honest i got ride of starbucks 2 weeks ago and have limit my tea and have been doing 45 mins every day of excerise the only thing i can think is that my food intake is way to high and i cant figure out why i am so hungry!! Working on it now!! Dr wants me to do 2 weeks of total diary intake and calories and we will go from there
Ya know, you might not be "hungry" you are probably dehydrated. Keep your water intake high. Drink water until you think you are going to drown! LOL
And watch those calories. Remember...that is what your body is burning. So if you are overdoing the calories, you have to overdo the workout!
I hope you can get on your way.
PS: You were whining a little but we still love you!

Wow, I just looked at your profile page and you are amazing! You are beautiful and your journey has motivated me more than you know. It's a rough time for you, but don't get discouraged. You are amazing look at all that you've accomplished so far! It shows how determined and motivated you are. I know what very soon you will be able to pick yourself up and put yourself back in the place that you want to be. Congrats on all the success you've had so far!