New to the IL boards
yes, my e-mail was all jacked up and I just got my computer back yesterday and go to it. I had like 200 e-mails just waiting there for me.
I cant remember if I e-mailed you back or not. I know I did ALOT of people from here. I'm sure they all think I'm a stuck up ***** for not responding for over 3 weeks.
If I didnt, I'm sooo sorry. I have lived just at the top of the state and the bottom. No middle part for me. Although I have been up that way a few
Welcome Tina:
I am also in the cornfields BUT with the River on one side. Beardstown People are often referred to as River Rats...Is that a cute otter or an UGLY Rat who knows...anyway welcome. HELLLOOOOO!!!
Katie So sorry to hear of all your prayers to the porcelain throne...That bites.
Take care and know that should stop soon or be less frequent...

I'm new to the IL board too. I've looked at it a couple times but usually am on the main board, which I'm way too addicted to and let it monopolize so much of my time. I just came on here thinking maybe I'd spend less time if I "hung out" here instead of there!
I've enjoyed seeing the posts from other mid- and southern IL members! I have family up in Morton (NW of Bloom/Normal on 74), so I pass the exit for Leroy all the time. Effingham is about 80 mi. s. of Champaign.
I'll keep checking this board!