Ms. Ramona!!!
I had to post to you here! I saw on the caller-id when I woke up from my nap that you'd called, but the answering machine isn't working right, so if you left me a message, I'm having trouble getting it! I'm going to try getting a hold of you tomorrow. It's almost 9 now, and didn't want to call too late.
I'm doing OK. Was throwing up all day today and ended up in bed - but right now I feel 100% better. I think something was just stuck.
Hey Katie:
Finally got a break from all the appts etc and decided to give you a call, just was hoping you were feeling okay and wanted to talk at ya and check on ya. I am most generally up until 10 pm so feel free to call after 9 it's no problem!! It's a bear when something is stuck ain't it
Throwing up makes me feel so much better even as far out post surgery as I am. Keep taking those naps girl you will miss them when you get to go back to work. Vic's knee is doing great he's already up walking around on it and everything...
Take care (((Hugs)))