Gall Bladder Removal
i had mine out 6 weeks ago and about 5 months post surgery for my lapband. i asked my surgeon to take it out at the time of my lapband and he said no cause i didn't have any stones and no history of gall bladder disease. the gall bladder stores bile secreted by the liver to help break up and digest food. when you lose a lot of weight, the bile keeps being secreted but the gall bladder can't secrete it all and forms stones. the millions of stones i had were backed up in the 4 ducts you have and into my liver and pancreas. what should have been an overnite stay, turned into 5 days. i had so many stones they couldn't get them out during surgery. day after surgery, i had to have an endoscopy to get the stones out. i woke up so they had to stop the procedure. i had 3x the amount of versed usually given and still woke up. so....the next day i had to go under gen'l anesthesia again and they did get all the stones but i got pancreatitis. don't ask. pain like a kidney stone or giving birth. it was traumatic!!! now it's about 7 weeks since that and the pancreatitis is finally going away. i did get some diarrhea after the surgery but it was just for a few days and then back to myself. i couldn't eat solids for a while cause my liver and pancreas were so inflammed, it hurt to eat. it's better now. so in the long run, you're better to have it out at the time of your wls and be done with it. good luck to you.